Thursday, August 19, 2010

OMG, you guys.

Something is very very wrong. Everything I have done (tried to do) this week has gone pear-shaped or taken 8 times longer than it should have or generally been a major hassle and I don't know what to do. Honestly, my luck has to change soon, right? RIGHT?
So, if anyone wants to volunteer to do my chart and tell me what's what, they should please go ahead. I will be here, trying to breathe.... It's okay if I have a beer and watch Project Runway while I'm breathing, right? I think it is.....

1 comment:

  1. Hey Rebecca, Hope that the beer and Project Runway did the trick and that everything is now tickety boo for you. If not I recommend a bubble bath with a cup of tea and a bar of chocolate ( or better still a whole box of luxury chocolates)and a good read. love Ruth x


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